

Thursday 12 July 2012

the HD seems to be  creating multiple one liners ...I ;ll get to those in a bit

I've been getting adjusted to living here at kin village - the people are all great who work here - most of the people who live here are good people but a few make me weary -the whiners and the loonies.
The food I will never get used to but the thing that really get me is  how much I still miss Bonnie.

I see her every day for a few hours and that is still not the same and when we live together .
 I miss having her do things to make me laugh as laughter is a bit on the thin side here.
I miss how she jumps on my keyboard when I 'm on the computer .
I miss how she sits on the kitchen table watching me eat and how she waits til I've just gone to sleep before she jumps on the bed and startles me then curls up in my armpit.
She's a rescue cat and the first few nights she slept with me she had her 2 paws around my wrist all night and didn't let go..
Now she likes Keith and Josie and the kids  but I guess she's a one  woman cat ...

I had the nurse from Delta --she is really cool she's a MacDonald- she brought me hope and a hug and smile which I can always use.

ok one liners courtesy of my HD whacked out brain......

I fell into a wall the other day I looked at Keith and said 'it's just one bruise after another.'

trying to figure something out the other day at the lawyers I said 'I think I have a black  hole in my brain.'

the leading cause of death with HD  is trauma to the head when Jenny was here about 6 weeks ago I was hanging crookedly onto her onto her arm to walk to the car. I said to her 'is the leading cause o death trauma to the head because the family gets fed up and gives them  a little shove.?

the other night I was looking in the mirror before I went to sleep  and I said to myself 'I'm going to miss you when I 'm gone'. ok that cracked me up
guess I like my own company...

also I was wondering if God laughs at jokes

I realized playing guitar was hurting too much  =- so I grabbed my autoharp and I dropped it so  instead of doing damage to my autoharp I'll stick to the guitar.

Josie sang with me at asstd living last week for the other inmates -- so nice to sing with her again
I was listening to Cradle hill by the Once and thought that would a perfect funeral song(mine) so I called Jenny she agreed it's a good idea so somehow I record this and get all my family and friends on it then ..also I like Jenny Lindbo "redbird ' song...
Guess I have more than one but I want to sing them now is that so diva-ish  of me?
So have to figure out recording me then get my girls and grandkids, Peter Little and the gang from Kathy's kitchen ,  Bryan Leckie, Lynn,  Jeannie, Tim Harrison (?) would you ? sing with me  mean?

I am still the same old Kath just living in a different body
deep like the ocean
I still believe in the goodness in life  my friends and family, laughter  muffins and music and good old cup of tea