

Wednesday 10 April 2013

om.......finally at peace..

Been too busy to blog moved 2 months ago into an apt - so happy I have Bonnie the brat cat with me -
I can eat  what I want when I want - I have a bath tub and gas fireplace - washer -dryer- dishwasher- etc etc...

When I go to sleep at night it's peaceful and it stays that way-from my living room I'm looking at trees I have lovely verandah - I sit there with Bonnie.

No more chaos at mealtime - I set the tone for my meals  ...

Since I was diagnosed this is the first time I am truly at peace I needed to have control of my surroundings, sounds and food at asstd living I had none of that . No more locked doors and  having to sign out..

My Dr is a few blocks away - the vet is a few blocks -there's a Starbucks right around the corner- a book store a lovely new market.
I;ve seen lots of Josie and the kids - made Easter dinner for Josie since I moved in lots of love and magic in my kitchen also  came out of the broom closet as Jenny words it.

I;ve   been to a HD support group meeting and going to one tomorrow was strange in some ways  but great in others.

The day  after I was diagnosed I couldn't drive anymore which was a tough one but I  saw my car the other day parked down the street here..including the dents I put on it!!Whoops .......
In one way I felt bad I miss driving like crazy on the other hand I thought I'm lucky I'm out of asstd living and I live in a beautiful bldg- I have my cat so I can't complain...

A few times   a week I have help  doing things here - oh and I have an electric wheelchair  still a little afraid of it...
Looking forward to when Jenny moves up here too I miss  her so much  ....

that;s it for now

I have wo