believe I will have a few good decades ahead so I think I will go back to using
This is what I emailed them the other day Jenny said it would make a good blog .anti aging cream:)
and sun block
and not ever start smoking
and eat really good for me food
and have a calm food enviroment and try to elinimate as much stress as I can
also that book you bought me Jenny it really is encouraging me to have as they less stress better food
and do my dammnest to have Bonnie with me every day
and buy uggs that I will outlive
love you guys very much thank you for being my daughters
love mum
I finished the book about HD called 'The woman who walked into the sea.' Written by Alice Wexler' it really helped me to understand the history of it and to wear the badge of HD as a blessing . The twitches I have she writes about .
The last paragraph from the book she writes...
Milwaukee, HD Society of American annual convention, 2007
See that willowy young woman in a bright red dress and matching lipstick who dances already showing the twitches and grimaces of early HD:the grey haired woman jerking back and forth in her wheelchair, arms flying , head flopping; and that skinny young man in the backward baseball cap who shimmies and shakes out on the dance floor as if he doesn't have a care in the world, who at the age of 18 found out that he has the abnormal Huntington's gene and carries this knowledge with grace and strength . As we dance this dance of St Vitus, this double dance of illness and of cure, the movement of chorea blend with those of hip hop, salsa and rock and roll. Later when I am no longer surrounded by people with Huntington's I look at the still bodies near me -and- for an instant- I find something is missing.
whoops meant to put that part by Alice Wexler in quotes but for some reason my computer is arguing with me
that it's for now
peace and love to you all