

Monday 3 September 2012

what a month lots of challenges

not only of the HD kind but the normal(normal ? what's normal when you have HD?)

Went to the swallowing clinic and speech therapy at UBC I was hoping they'd be giving me some new exercises I  could use when my brain and lips aren't working together . They said no it's just the progression of this disease . They did test my swallowing different things and gave me advice for meals and how to avoid choking.
They did say again  that even when I can't talk I'll still be able to sing so that is very cool.

Emotionally had some challenges this month ..need to keep the positive stuff going I do want to live  as long as I can so I need to surround myself with good stuff

I think the blue moon must have impacted  the people here too lots of craziness this last week..

David passed away
we all said good by to David - in different ways---- it was very hard he was such a healthy vital man who enjoyed life and for him to suffer the way he did seem so very wrong.

as always I am blown away by the kindness of friends and family

I have to keep my eye on good stuff not the things that do impact me but hanging on for a cure so I can drive again and have a life again. All I know is that I do the best I can to hang in there...

I want to learn more songs, eat more muffins , laugh with my grandchildren ,  learn how to crochet,  go out for coffee with friends,  going to Mtl next summer so I have a goal to stay as healthy as I can

thanks again for all the kindness and good thoughts
love you all


  1. Lucky for us you'll be able to sing. I wonder what it will be like when I ask you a question and you sing me your reply?

  2. Stay strong and is so worth the fight! You`re in my prayers:)
