

Saturday 26 November 2011

lists lists and multi-tasking

Was talking to my friend Noreen the other night and I  was telling her I was trying to figure out which list to cross off first, the Christmas list or my bucket list...

Also it's  impossible to hold an umbrella while you're pushing a walker and flirt....actually there is no way to hold an umbrella so I realized why all the old people pushing walkers in the rain don't look too happy cause their groceries and they are wet.

Every day it seems there are new challenges- today was lets see how many groceries then glasses I can drop.
I guess this is normal for me now. When I'm at the store I drop my purse a few times, send things flying around me .

Today after I walked my groceries home I was putting yogurt in the fridge and somehow dropped it on bottom door tray breaking it and sending everything flying that had been in there. Then was putting my dishes away when a few dropped out of the cupboard and somehow smashed everywhere on the counters right into Bonnie's food and water on all the clean dishes in the dishwasher, on pretty much everything.
After I got that cleaned up I was just looking at the floor and started to turn and somehow landed on my back in front of the door with my arm behind my back. I knew Josie was coming back in 2 hours  but it really scared me til I was able to get up .
Shaken me up is what it did I guess.
So after all breaking and dropping of things and falling I guess I am ready to go into assisted living but I really want the one that has the ice cream bar.. the one I hope to get into I go see on Monday.
Then I get assessed by a physio this week as well.
Every day I get I have to learn how to roll with the punches and adapt to new challenges.
I guess what I used to be able to do, drive, drink a coffee, talk , sing I have to do this with a walker....
Multi tasking for the HD challenged:)
I'm sorry I still make  myself laugh
Still haven't had a meltdown yet(just wait it should be a mighty grand one)
I'm 3 weeks behind on my Christmas list and I think I'll skip the bucket list for another day.
I need to get cracking on all the knitting I'm supposed to be doing but this darned walking to the store for groceries takes up time.
that;s it for now


  1. Kath, you are truly amazing! And goofy! I feel honored to call you my friend...definitely Christmas list first!

  2. I'm honoured to be called your friend, goofy and amazing that made my day:)

    A friend is coming over to pick me up to take me to get ice cream from Point Roberts I should be putting my eye liner on but...
    I should get eye liner tattooed as the tremors get worse the line will get more jiggly


  3. Kathy, your sense of humor is awesome! Maybe we could find one of those umbrellas you wear like a hat? Have fun at Point Roberts today. I love it there!

  4. Thank goodness for your blog. I can read it and you don't have to tell me all these things all over again.

    It sounds pretty scary to me, but I'm glad you can laugh about it.
